THIS WEBSITE IS NOW 100% CLOSED.         PLEASE VISIT THE NEW WEBSITE.                                                                                   SAEZURU-ANOTHER.COM                                                                                            THANK YOU!

Twittering Birds Never Fly:

ANALYSiS, INTERPRETATIONS,                                                              & STUDIES ON ALTERNATIVE WAY OF TRANSLATION

『囀 る 鳥 は 羽 ば た か な い 




"Aiming to Study, Analyse & Interpret 

This Absolute Masterpiece by Kou YONEDA in Depth 

in the Over Half-Century History of

Japanese Yaoi & BL Comics,

with an Aspiration to Expand the Possibilities of

Translating Japanese Manga into English

as Faithfully as Possible to

the Author's Original Unique & Beautiful Expressions..." 










 This website is created for the academic purpose of

studying and making in-depth analyses and interpretations of

Saezuru Tori Wa Habatakanai / Twittering Birds Never Fly

a comic series by Kou YONEDA.


For this goal, it also aims to point out the mistranslations and overly rough translations, found at times in the official English editions, and to suggest

alternative ways of translating Japanese Manga literature into English. 


To do so, this study also attempts to go beyond boundaries of the existing conventions of the English text, in the belief that

"Languages can evolve and expand itself if needed,

for the sake of creating better translations from other foreign languages."


In short, the mission of this website lies in creating, recording, and conveying

in-depth analyses and interpretations of the work,

together with its new higher-quality translations,

for contemporary and future generations of readers and researchers

of this unprecedented masterpiece

in the history of Japanese Yaoi and BL comics.


Please purchase the official English and Japanese editions beforehand

and read them together with the texts on this website.


Enjoy the beautiful & powerful world of Saezuru to the fullest.





このウェブサイトは、ヨネダコウ先生によるコミックシリーズ『囀る鳥は羽ばたかない/Twittering Birds Never Fly』の作品世界を、深く、細やかに、分析・解釈し、主に英語を用いながら、世界各地の読者に向けて、広く、継続的に、その成果を伝えていく学術研究目的で作成されています。




公開にあたって、著者の先生のお仕事にあらためて深い敬意と愛を抱き感謝するとともに、日本とアメリカの出版社、株式会社 大洋図書様とDigital Manga Inc. Juné Manga 社様のご活動に感謝し、研究の必要性に応じて、都度、英語版・日本語版公式書籍よりテキストを部分引用させていただくことに、心からの感謝を申し上げます。

